Electrical systems are a necessary part of the building engineering and they develop quickly with the fast development of the high technologies. ASPA Engineering offers full range of engineering services including design, delivery, installation, warranty-and post-warranty service.
We respond to the grown-up demands and the high level of requirements of the investors.
With new quality materials and intelligent solutions for energy saving and control of power supply systems we achieve the needed reliability, security and energy effectiveness.
A part of the energy saving tasks are solved by system modeling through communication between the separate modules, depending on some parameters like temperature, room occupancy, luminance etc.
The dimensions of convenience by use of electrical systems consist of remote control through Internet, telephone or other type of control of power supply and lighting in public, administrational or industrial buildings.
Tel.: +359 2 857 32 25
Tel./Fax.: +359 2 857 32 25
mob.: +359 896 415 215
E-mail: m.al-obaidi@aspaeng.com